How to Cite AANP Website in APA

Posted: September 2nd, 2022

The American Association of Nursing Practitioners offers great insights into nursing practice. Sometimes you may need to cite their work in your studies and essays. Learning how to cite an organization helps make your work more authentic.

Citing an organization can be confusing. We have a definitive guide to help you learn how to cite AANP website in APA. In this article, explore how to cite AANP website in APA and other digital sources.

How to Cite AANP Website in APA

To cite the AANP website in America Psychology Association, APA, you will need to include the following information:

– The name of the website

– The date you accessed the website

– The URL of the website

Here is an example of how you would cite the AANP website and any other national institute in APA:

American association of nurse practitioners. (n.d.). aanp website. Retrieved from

In-text citations would look like this: (American association of nurse practitioners, n.d.)

In-text citations

(American association of nurse practitioners, n.d.)

Reference list

American association of nurse practitioners. (n.d.). Aanp website. Retrieved from

Citing a Blog Article on the AANP Website

If you are citing a blog article on the AANP website, you will need to include the following information:

– The author’s last name, first initial. (Year, month day). Title of the blog post. AANP website. Retrieved from URL.

Here is an example of how you would cite a blog post on the AANP website:

Dunn, K. (2017, September 5). The importance of nurse practitioner scope of practice legislation. AANP website. Retrieved from

In-text citations would look like this: (Dunn, 2017)

In-text citations

(Dunn, 2017)

Reference list

Dunn, K. (2017, September 5). The importance of nurse practitioner scope of practice legislation. AANP website. Retrieved from

Citing a Podcast on the AANP Website

If you are citing a podcast on the AANP website, you will need to include the following information:

– The name of the podcast

– The date you accessed the podcast

– The URL of the podcast

– The name of the host

– The name of the guests (if applicable)

Here is an example of how you would cite a podcast on the AANP website:

Nursing Voices. (2017, August 8). The future of healthcare with nurse practitioners. AANP website. Retrieved from

In-text citations would look like this: (Nursing Voices, 2017)

Reference list

Nursing Voices. (2017, August 8). The future of healthcare with nurse practitioners. AANP website. Retrieved from

Citing the National Association

If you are citing a National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare (NANPH) position paper, you will need to include the following information:

– The title of the position paper

– The date when the position paper was published

– The URL of the position paper

Here is an example of how you would cite a NANPH position paper:

National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare. (2015, June). AANP supports the implementation of the affordable care act. AANP website. Retrieved from

In-text citations

(National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare, 2015)

Reference list

National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Healthcare. (2015, June). AANP supports the implementation of the affordable care act. AANP website. Retrieved from

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